Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2016)                   J Health Saf Work 2016, 6(2): 10-24 | Back to browse issues page

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Kamaei M, Alizadeh S S A, Keshvari A, Kheyrkhah Z, Moshashaei P. Risk assessment and consequence modeling of BLEVE explosion wave phenomenon of LPG spherical tank in a refinery. J Health Saf Work 2016; 6 (2) :10-24
URL: http://jhsw.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5414-en.html
1- M.Sc. of Health, Safety and Environmental Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Health Engineering, Health Faculty, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran , ss.alizadeh2013@gmail.com
3- Assistant Professor, University of Imam Hussein (AS), Tehran, Iran
4- M.Sc. of Environmental Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
5- M.Sc., Department of Occupational Health Engineering, Health Faculty, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Abstract:   (15574 Views)

Introduction: Although human industrial activities are as a part of efforts to achieve greater prosperity, the risks related to these activities are also expanding. Hazard identification and risk assessment in the oil and gas industries are essential to reduce the frequency and severity of accidents and minimize damage to people and property before their occurrence. The aim of this study was to evaluate the liquefied and pressurized petroleum gas spherical tanks in a refinery and assessing the risks of Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE) phenomenon.

Material and Method: In this study, the risks of BLEVE phenomenon were assessed, using the Bowtie method. The consequences of explosion wave phenomenon and the resulting wave quantity and its impacts on the neighboring machineries and equipment were analyzed. PHAST software version 6.54 has been used for modeling the BLEVE phenomenon.

Result: In this evaluation, generally five causes and two consequences were identified for BLEVE phenomenon. In order to reduce its consequences, forty-three controlling measures were introduced to prevent the BLEVE phenomenon and the impacts of 31 control measures were identified. According to the conducted analysis, it was found that the spherical tank blast wave caused by LPG can lead to explosion of close located tanks which can create a chain of explosions.

Conclusion: The results of modeling and risk assessment can be used to identify the BLEVE phenomenon causes and its effects on nearby people and equipment. Based on these results, preventive controlling measures can be implemented and also be determined by adopting proper design and layout, margin of safety for personnel, equipment and accessories.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2016/06/18 | Accepted: 2016/06/18 | Published: 2016/06/18

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