Volume 1, Issue 2 (10 2012)                   J Health Saf Work 2012, 1(2): 51-58 | Back to browse issues page

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Evaluation of Heat Stress in the working position 60 of furnace workers in one of the forging industries in the summer. J Health Saf Work 2012; 1 (2) :51-58
URL: http://jhsw.tums.ac.ir/article-1-24-en.html
Abstract:   (13098 Views)

Introduction: Heat stress is considered as physical hazard, in working environments. The effects of working in hot environment include: muscle cramp, fatigue, loss of consciousness, perception and heat exhaustion.The purpose of this study was to evaluate heat stress and identify hazardous workstations in terms of heat stress in one of the Teheran's forging industries, using WBGT index.


Methods and Materials: This Cross-Sectional study has been done in one of the forging industries of Tehran on five successive days during the warmest period in Summer 2010. for measurements, a calibrated WBGT meter according to ISO7243 standard was used. All workers who were exposed to radiant heat in this industry, had more than 3 years continuous work history, So they were well accommodated to the environment. For statistical analysis SPSS14 and Exell2007 software were used.


Results: In this study, the WBGT of all workstations in the exposed to the furnace were estimated. the workstations average WBGTTWA were calculated 27.97°C, Which were higher than the threshold limit value according to ACGIH recommendation. The ANOVA and Post hoc(LSD) tests showed significant difference in the radiant heat (P-value<0.01), and WBGT index (Pvalue<0.05), between three different heights of the body. The observed differences between head and waist were not significant, but the difference between two heights and the ankle were significant.


Conclusion: Heat stress in workers exposed to the radiant heat sources were higher than the Threshold limit value, which recommended by ACGIH. The results also indicated that the main problem were the radiant heat, especially in the head and waist height. Hence in order to decrease the radiant heat, some control solutions were Suggested.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Published: 2013/09/28

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